imageCatchments in the Strathbogie Ranges reach 99.9% saturation.

It has been a very wet winter / spring  in the Strathbogie Ranges. Dams are full to overflowing, minor flood warnings for the Seven,Castle and Hughes Creeks have continued for weeks and we have run out of dry firewood.

Rainfall records in Ruffy suggest we are getting very close a major milestone. As At 12th  October 2016 – 999mm have fallen so far this year. Last year to date we had 536mmm . This is 463mm less than 2016. When will it stop?                                      (2010 total = 1305mm)

All this rainfall flows quickly out of the hills and across the plains into the major river systems which are suffering from an overload of moisture , waterlogged crops and moderate flooding.

Turtles, frogs and ducks have been busy taking advantage of this abundance of water. image